Whilst each commissioning or buying activity operates within its area of business or specialism the wider organisation will look more broadly, ensuring that a control framework is in place for commissioning or procurement activity - to provide assurance that the system as a whole is working well and that learning is being captured and shared. This will be underpinned by the effective allocation of resources and skills to ensure that there is the capability and capacity to support delivery of immediate and future work programs.
Typical activities at this stage
Risk and performance monitoring and management, benchmarking, peer review, compliance and risk reviews and lessons learned, resource utilisation, skills monitoring and planning. Knowledge capture and organisational learning, training. Budget monitoring, savings and benefits capture.
Whilst each commissioning or buying activity operates within its area of business or specialism the wider organisation will look more broadly, ensuring that a control framework is in place for commissioning or procurement activity - to provide assurance that the system as a whole is working well and that learning is being captured and shared. This will be underpinned by the effective allocation of resources and skills to ensure that there is the capability and capacity to support delivery of immediate and future work programs.
Typical activities at this stage
Risk and performance monitoring and management, benchmarking, peer review, compliance and risk reviews and lessons learned, resource utilisation, skills monitoring and planning. Knowledge capture and organisational learning, training. Budget monitoring, savings and benefits capture.